Sunday, July 5, 2009

And Yet Another Blog is Born.

In the end, I'm always going to be a blogger. That's it, I may as well just accept it.

I was thinking back on those days when I blogged every day, and Livejournal was such a priority in my life. I always felt so open and communicative, and so much like myself. I apologized for nothing, made excuses for nothing... and I just really miss being that person who is who she is; and enjoys discussing it.

So here I am, I'm back. I find that most of my blogs have always focused on relationships and a lack there-of, and that is something I really would not like to focus on this time. I want to focus on talking about the things in my life that I love and hate, miss or want to be a part of. Things I believe in, things I've learned from, and things I want to teach others. And, if in that process, relationships come up as well, to hell with it.

I plan to write one blog a week for the next year. I'd say one blog a day, but let's be realistic here... there are times when I go days without even coming home. I want to see and document the kind of progress I can make when I focus on making changes in my life. I'm going to be 27 this month. One year from now, when I'm sitting on my couch, getting ready to turn 28, I want to be able to look back and feel proud of my accomplishments. This here, my friends, is where I begin to turn it all around.

I hope to make this ride a great and fabulously memorable one.


  1. Welcome BFF ;) I've missed you and your writing <3


  3. hello, friend! Nice to see you over these here parts! xo
